Transcribe meaning
Transcribe meaning



‘Specialised software has been developed to allow computer-aided transcription technology to be used in the broadcasting industry.’.‘By employing transcription software, we could do the job in one-and-a-half years with a team of 40 doctors and a handful of patent examiners and technical experts.’.‘The data were constantly reviewed beginning with the interview and transcription process.’.‘My hat is off to those who persevere through the tedious transcription process necessary to publish such works for us.’.‘The date of 1492 in the reconstructed inscription might result from an error in transcription.’.‘There were several minor transcription errors, but clinical details were correctly recorded in every case.’.‘The authors independently abstracted data in duplicate and cross checked for transcription errors and discrepancies.’.‘These were provided by the trial's first author on handwritten sheets, which we entered on to computer, making appropriate checks to avoid transcription errors.’.‘The official returns differ from the Register in several places because of typographical or transcription errors in the Register.’.‘Customer service and sales professionals no longer have to spend time on the phone trying to repair transcription errors and match reconciliation reports.’.


  • ‘SMS text messages are written, unambiguous records of important data and are free of the kind of transcription errors that can occur while dictating results or other information over the telephone.’.
  • ‘Hand written prescription sheets can contribute to drug errors in that they may be illegible, incomplete, or subject to transcription errors when rewritten.’.
  • ‘The academic claims to have found 24 transcription errors in one poem and an average of 12 mistakes per page, which he says distort the meaning.’.
  • ‘The electronic medium enables them to include a large array of images, including facsimiles of original documents with transcriptions.’.
  • ‘In order to substantiate and expand the known information, she checked published transcriptions while combing through archives for new documents.’.
  • ‘When we compared these lists to meeting agenda, field workers' notes, and meeting transcriptions for the sample period, coverage was deemed adequate.’.
  • ‘The interviews lasted approximately 60-90 minutes, were tape recorded and fully transcribed and the transcriptions were content-analysed.’.
  • ‘The book includes a short introduction to the Soviet-Finnish War, the after-action meeting transcriptions, a list of the participants with short biographies, and a few relevant maps.’.
  • ‘Qualitative data collection can take many forms, including interviews, participant observation, questionnaires, and video recordings and transcriptions of everyday language.’.
  • ‘Interviews were tape recorded, and completed transcriptions were used as the basis for data analysis.’.
  • ‘Perhaps if one had a complete transcription of the subtitles and a week to study, he might glean a thread of understanding.’.
  • ‘All qualitative approaches were recorded through the transcription of notes and, if possible quotations, immediately after the interview.’.
  • ‘Trial records are literal transcriptions, but people can only speak through the stories they understand.’.
  • ‘Those reports were based on the notorious forged documents, in some cases they were text transcriptions of the documents.’.
  • ‘The denial above is only true if we make a distinction between facsimiles of the documents and text transcriptions of the phony documents.’.
  • ‘It was almost as if she had dictated it verbally and then had the transcription written up.’.
  • ‘This makes it easier to write out an accurate transcription.’.
  • ‘The process involved transcribing, analyzing data, and member checking for both the transcription and written analyses after each pair of interviews.’.
  • ‘The whole is well written, with liberal transcriptions of much of the source material.’.
  • transcribe meaning

    ‘The transcriptions that follow are written out as a drama script.’.‘Adams changes that to a simple ‘has’ and passes off his version as a word-perfect transcription.’.‘Instead of transcriptions of what he wrote, the book is scanned pages of his journals.’.‘Quotes in this article were derived from tape transcriptions or written notes compiled during interviews.’.

    Transcribe meaning